Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I Hate Politicians

There's a New York Times article discussing Bush's plans to reduce the deficit in half. (Requires free registration - blech.)

Among other questionable accounting practices - and questionable might be giving them the benefit of the doubt - the administration plans to measure progress against a predicted shortfall, which of course didn't actually come about.

On a completely unrelated note (I swear), my New Year's resolution is to lose 100 pounds this year. I'm basing that on my prediction that I'm actually a 600-pound silverback gorilla. My diet will consist of leaves, shoots, stems, stalks, vines, bark, fruits, berries and the occasional termite.

I am not including consumption of this or this in my calculations.

Ok, ok, I lied, I guess that did have something to do with the previous item. But, did you know that there is a meatnews.com? I'd make another joke, but I take my meat slaughter statistics seriously.


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