Monday, January 03, 2005

Counting by Twos

So Wal-Mart is unwilling to sell certain CDs and movies because of questionable content (read: obscenity).

But, they have no issues with selling guns to people, including those with mental illness.

What first amendment? I thought the Bill of Rights started at two. (It still ends at two, right? Or has that changed also?)

Now I realize this isn't really a first amendment issue. But, Wal-Mart believes it is capable of screening potential buyers of lethal firearms. And does not believe it is capable of screening potential buyers of explicit lyrics.

(In Wal-Mart's defense, Google has no record of anyone killing a deer by throwing CDs at it. Nor do they even have record of an attempt. But I think I just found a use for all those AOL CDs.)


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