Sunday, December 26, 2004

Bah! Humbug!

Man, the Internet has been really lame recently. Something about this fat guy... in a red suit... and a beard. I dunno, I'm kind of perplexed. But I'm fighting back. With a VENGEANCE!

Don Diebel, who runs the website, claims that hand puppets (yes, hand puppets) will help guys "meet, attract and date tons of single women." The deal is, you find a cute girl at a club, put on the hand puppet, go up to her, and ask her to dance, using the hand puppet and a silly voice.

What happens? She'll "die laughing and think that you are so funny." Did I miss something? When did hand puppets become funny? I'm not a girl, but I would consider that pretty sketchy.

I wouldn't be caught dead trying something as stupid as that. Now... a life-size cardboard cutout of the governator? Comedy gold. "My friend, Arnold... he wants to dance with you, but... he's a little bit shy." And if it was a picture of him from his old Mr. Universe days? What girl could resist that?

(You have no idea how disappointed I am that no one is selling life-size cardboard cutouts of the governator online. Women would be crawling all over me. Damn Internet. WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?! All I ask is for a life-size cardboard cutout of the governator. Is that too much to ask? *sniff* Is it getting a little dusty in here? I think I have something in my eye.)

In other news, American Express says that bookstores are the place to pick up singles in NYC. Could you somehow combine these two things? Could I try to pick up women in a bookstore with a hand puppet? Someone (not me) needs to test this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, he could totally pick up women with a hand puppet. the question that really needs testing: could one of you pretend to be a ventriloquist dummy while the other one does all the talking? and if so, who would they go for?


10:17 PM  

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