Friday, December 17, 2004

How You Remind Me of Someday

Oh, Nickelback. How do you suck? Let me count the ways. One, two, three, four, five... two-thousand one-hundred seven, two-thousand one-hundred eight...

Listen to the MP3. Trust me. Use headphones if you can. Identical. Right down to the lull in the middle of the song.

Not that this should be news to anyone, but pop music is pretty bad really. Unoriginal, mindless, derivative. It does have one thing going for it. Boobs, boobs and boobs. Ok, I guess thats three things (or six depending on your math).

(For the sake of everyone out there, I really hope that's the last time I link to Jessica and Ashlee Simpson and Meatloaf in the same paragraph.)


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