Friday, December 03, 2004

Gallery of Regrettable Foods

Hoo-boy. This one is a doozy. It's like a freak show for food. Meatballs in pink sauce. Corned beef salad loaf. Meat wrapped in a meaty meat wrap (actually knackwurst rolled in beef). Tomato steaks in cream. Pastel-tinted hairy balls with salsa verde. Meat Jell-O. Beef porcupines.

Really, explore this site fully. It will be worth it. Just don't do it before a meal. Or after a meal. Or during a meal.

More you say? Multi-colored nausea inducer.

Then you get something like this. Or starchy pete (scary scary scary). And nothing says classy like pink and purple. Together. In a dining room.

Amazing, stunning, fabulous. Dare I say it... effervescent.

If start at the homepage, you can get to all of these pages. So much good stuff inside. Like a twinkie!

One more. Dave, the self-denying fish.


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