Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Ahhh. Mr. Ahhh.

I just found a website devoted entirely to Dr. Pepper knock-offs. It's actually called fakedrpepper.com. Cool. This guy is pretty thorough. I mean, I've only heard of and tried Mr. Pib, but this guy has 102 Dr.'s ranked, plus a few unranked (and a few rumored missing links - Dr. Bigfoot anyone?).

One of the best parts of this website is just the names. Dr. Chill - 4.5 cans. Dr. Thirst - 4 cans. Dr. Best - not the best at just 3.5 cans. Real Dr. - which is not the real doctor. Dr. Furr's. Texas Fizz. Dr. Smooth. Dr. Dazzle. Dr. Perky (?). Dr. Cheaper. Dr. Radical - The favorite of Bill and Ted. Dr. Gulpster. Then there's the oddly named Dr. Whatever. The simply named Doctor. And the two potentially confusing Dr. Country and Country Doctor. The list is impressive to say the least. Alas, there is no Dr. Teeth.


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