Friday, November 26, 2004

I Can Die Happy Now

Well, almost. I still need to get one of these. At first I thought I'd just get a regular T. Then I saw that they had value Ts for $10. But that sleeveless one is pretty catchy. Then again, how do I resist the BBQ apron? The Christmas cards might just be perfect... and the poster would look nice on my wall. How do I chose? (only 29 shopping days left till Christmas.)

Really, this might be the perfect story for this blog. Is it too late to name this blog "Golden's Virgn Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich T-Shirt Blog?" Look, a lady makes a grilled cheese sandwich. Takes a bite and notices that it kind of looks like the virgin mary. (Though, of course, it looks nothing like any virgin mary I've ever seen. If that counts as the virgin mary, I wonder how many virgin mary grilled cheese sandwiches I've eaten over the years.) After 10 years, she sells it online, through EBay. And it gets bought by an online casino. This casino then uses the likeness of the grilled cheese sandwich to sell T-shirts, coffee mugs and other novelty items online. Said items also include the name of the online casino. I mean, the story has everything - virgin mary, grilled cheese sandwich, EBay, Golden Its a real human interest story.

Now, I suppose it could be more perfect. They could be using the likeness to sell shot glasses and dildos. And the virgin mary could be teaching public school kids about creationism. While holding an assault rifle. And Lil' John and P Diddy could be involved somehow. Something like that might just be enough to convince me that their really is a God. And, oddly enough, convince the entire populations of Utah, Mississippi and Alabama that there is NO God.


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