Monday, November 22, 2004

Won't Someone Please Think About The Children?

Holy Hangover, Batman. There are underage kids drinking at a college tailgate!!

This article is amazing. First of all, the Boston Police only caught two underage kids drinking. Thats like a .2% success rate... at best. And did the Boston Police really expect underage kids to not be drinking? This is a college event.

Then there's this... "'From what we could see there is a different way of partying now,' [Capt.] Evans told the Boston Herald. 'They are drinking heavily. They are drinking hard stuff - Jack Daniels, tequila.'"

Woah, woah, woah. This is different? Different from when? The 1500s? "In my day, we used to drink mead out of ceramic jugs. Times, they are a changing."

Then there's this bit: "Later that night, police said they arrested five Harvard students, between the ages 23 and 25, at an off-campus party." Aged 23 to 25... are you sure these are Harvard students? Does this event have anything at all to do with the tailgating?

Finally, at the end of the article comes this: "Evans said he doesn't plan to block traditional tailgating by older fans at Harvard games."

As one of those older fans, I can say that we were just as drunk as the young'uns.

Underage drinking and a rowdy house-party. I've never seen those things happen before. Must've been all that tailgatin' that was goin' on.


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