Wednesday, November 17, 2004

My First Post

Holy Crap. I didn't expect to get this url. Hell, its even understandable. I mean, previously I had tried almost everything. Even was taken. By this tool. If you're Jeffrey Cheng, give me your website! You're not using it. Tool.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way. Welcome to Popular Cult. As you may have figured out, Popular Cult is a play on Pop Culture. With the wrong word abbreviated. So its kinda bizzarro pop culture. Which is just the type of pop culture I like.

Now this site won't be solely about pop culture. There might be some politics, or sports... mainly, it'll be whatever the hell I want it to be.

And to honor my first post... from the makers of Crunk Juice comes.... wristbands. WuuuuT! YeAHHH! OooKAAYYY!


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