Monday, November 29, 2004

I want it so that when people think shrimp, they think Alabama

Back during the election, there was a proposition on the ballot in Alabama that would amend the constitution to promote the shrimp and seafood industries of Alabama. Apparently, they "hope it will raise awareness of how much the Alabama seafood industry is suffering from foreign competition." Before reading this article, I wasn't aware Alabama had a seafood industry so... uh... I guess it's working. Only fresh, Alabama shrimp for me from now on. In other news, the Alabama constitution has now been amended over 700 times in 103 years.

(In the poll on the right sidebar, Kerry was beating Bush 57% to 35%. Only 225 votes were cast, which must have resulted in the margin of error of plus/minus 20%.)

Further research led me to the website for the North Alabama Shell Club. Did you know that "the last major study on Alabama land snails was performed in the 1920s when Bryant Walker wrote the classic The Terrestrial shell-bearing mollusca of Alabama." I've got that book on my shelf right next to War and Peace.

I also found out that Alabama has a state Renaissance Faire. (The 'e' is included.) They also have a state insect (which is the Monarch Butterfly) and a state butterfly (which is not the Monarch Butterfly). It also has a state soil, a state BBQ championship, a state outdoor drama and a state outdoor musical drama. I think I'm starting to figure out how they got to 700 amendments.

Then again, I come from the state that has a state gem, state mineral, state rock, state historical rock, state explorer rock, state monument stone and state soil. It also has a state poem, a state song, state ceremonial march, state folk song, state patriotic song, state folk dance, state glee club song, state polka and state ode. And none of them is the theme song to "Cheers." Go us.

Also, our state game bird (the Wild Turkey) happens to be the same as the Alabama state bird. Its also a strong and nasty tasting whiskey. Cool.

Before y'all go too uppity, know that even California has a state fife and drum band. And a state bodybuilder. Oh wait, thats your governor.


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