Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Stupid British

BBC has come out with a list of the top 50 things everyone should try a bite of in their lifetime.

First of all... Mmm... surf and turf.

Second... I suppose I should forgive them because they're British. I mean, they have to eat fried pizza, and haggis (#48), and fried mars bars, and haggis (still #48), and black pudding, and haggis (it hasn't moved, it's still #48, right above caviar).

Wait... that's the Scottish. The British generally stick to "meat and two veg." Oh wait, thats the wrong link, lets try this. No, no. Thats still wrong. Ok, here you go. They also eat scotch eggs. Hmm... I suppose that's another Scottish delicacy. Well, in defense of the British, they do have bangers 'n mash and fish 'n chips. And surf 'n turf. Oh wait, that's us. USA! USA!

Anyway, they really missed out on a few things on this list. Like... Jell-O. How do you say no to Bill Cosby?

Then there's Twinkies, Ho-Hos and Ding-Dongs. Though these could all be categorized under the umbrella group snack cakes.

Finally, there's the elusive and wily spam. Can I move to Spam Blvd? (Alas, no good links for wild spam. I may have to do something about that.)


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