Friday, December 31, 2004

"where's the SOUTH DAKOTA chicken, bitch?!"

Tennessee, check. Ohio, check. Mississippi, check. Who knew so many people wanted to imitate KFC?

Apparently, there's at least 106 of them. And one person who's studying those 106. (Go UK!)

Of course, some of them just aren't trying very hard.

(As an aside, a friend of mine calls those KFC-Taco Bell-Pizza Hut triages you see by the side of the road "Kentaco Hut." And yes, I used the word "triage" intentionally. And yes, I am aware that the definition is "a process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment." But, y'know what? I feel it's somehow appropriate for a Kentaco Hut.)


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