Friday, March 18, 2005

Fanaticism! It's not just for the Muslims.

The Christians have fanatics as well.

"I propose that sports greatly hinders the development of godly, Biblical, feminine character."

"I think we should be very cautious about Greek-like influences."

Yeah, this democracy thing really sucks, don't it?


Blogger Ian said...

You know what's going to be funny?

Someday Jeff is going to post on this again.


In the meantime, go read my blog:

Because you're going to be really bored sitting here watching Jeff's blog not change for months at a time....

3:55 PM  
Blogger Ian said...

Really. Jeff is going to post again. I mean it. Like, seriously and stuff.

11:52 PM  
Blogger Ian said...

See, I think it's funny that rylee actually thinks that someone posts things to this blog. I mean, oither than me posting things to this blog making fun of Jeff for never posting anything to this blog.

5:37 PM  

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