Thursday, February 24, 2005

Neon Deion Dog

Deion Sanders, the once and future NFL player, is hocking a hot dog machine. Apparently the rollers are a "unique design." If unique means "present in every convenience store in America." The design creates great tasting food because the fat "drips away, leaving a juicy, but not greasy meal." Ohhh... so fat drips away, but those wonderful juices are immune to drippage. All this for only $50 plus $10 shipping.

Hot dogs are absurdly simple to cook and can be cooked in so many ways. If you have a microwave, you can use that. If you have a pot, some water and some heat, you can boil them. You can grill them. If you didn't have water, you could still throw them on a hot pan. In fact, most hot dogs come pre-cooked, so you could even eat them frozen. Consider it a hot dogsicle. Not that I've ever done that... *cough*.

Also, its virtually impossible to screw up a hot dog. It's not like steak that you could overcook and it would become tough. It's prechewed! As long as you don't turn them into charcoal, you're fine.


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