Thursday, February 24, 2005

She May As Well Just Change Her Name to "Conservative Hack"

Michelle Malkin. Ugh. In this column, she manages to blame "cutting" - the generally teenage act of self injury - on both "EMO" music and Hollywood. Hey, I liked NIN and Marilyn Manson and Rage against the Machine as a kid - actually, I still do. But the only self injury I've ever performed is throwing myself at the ground at high speed in order to catch a small plastic disc.

If you want a better counter-argument check out this post and this one.

The scary thing is, Malkin isn't even the worst columnist on If you really want to feel sick, you should check out Doug Giles. Hitler was a product of gun control. Christians can't be liberal, and vice-versa. Pit bulls are strong and poodles are weak. (And if you really think that last one isn't chauvinistic - at the end he refers to all poodles as "Ms. Poodle.")


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a poodle. He licks his crotch all day long, and enjoys it tremendously. Take that Doug Giles.

11:59 AM  

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