Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"that Asian prick gave me a giant Winnie the Pooh!"

Ok, that quote is from a guy in prison, but it has nothing to do with homosexual acts. I swear.

It's from a story of an Asian tattoo artist who was put in jail for tattooing profanities on his customers. You know how Asian characters have become the hot thing to get tattoos of? Well this guy took advantage of customers that didn't actually know the language. Instead of "strength" and "honor", he tattooed "small penis." Instead of "beautiful goddess", he tattooed "Insert General Tso's Chicken Here."

Now that he's in jail, he has continued tricking his customers - tattooing Black Panther symbols on white supremacists and fairies, unicorns and butterflies on dozens of other criminals.

"I think I’m helping my fellow man by labeling all the stupid people in the world. It’s not a crime, it’s a public service."

Of course this posting is coming from the guy who wore a Wok restaurant t-shirt but had no clue what the Chinese character on the back meant. "I think it's just gibberish," my friend told me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what anyone says, those shirts said "Eat dog on Route 9." no question. Like Ted knows what his shirts said...

10:15 AM  

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