Monday, January 31, 2005

Channeling Anita Ward

A 3,000-pound bell was stolen from a Buddhist temple in Tacoma, WA. The article also states that a 500-pound statue was stolen from the temple grounds last month.

On the one hand, you have an abbot, who's temple has been robbed of a 500-pound statue and a 3,000-pound bell (along with 12-foot tall frame) within a month. Maybe he should think about hiring some security. It wouldn't require much, just something that would notice a forklift. And a 3,000-pound, 12-foot high bell being moved.

On the other hand, you have the thieves. "I think the people who stole it wanted to make money." I wasn't aware that there was such black market demand for 3,000-pound bells. You'd think it would be pretty easy to find these people. "Tacoma police investigated the theft and made a report, but Toan said he does not have much hope they will find it." Hmm... no listings on EBay for 3,000-pound bell. Ok, I'm fresh out of ideas. But really... a 3,000 pound bell? The thieves couldn't find something better to steal with their forklift? Like... ATMs? Or... tiny clowns? Or maybe this explains it?

(In case you're wondering about the title. Anita Ward sang "Ring My Bell" in 1979. Don't feel bad if you didn't know that - I had to google it to get the singer's name.)


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