Friday, January 14, 2005

Why on This Night do We Lean to the Left, When on All Other Nights...

Leading off, Cheney says that the social security change is good for the poor. Now, I think most people agree that the social security system needs to be reworked. But this privatization thing sounds like a horrible idea. One of the Republicans' main arguments in support of it is that Joe America can invest his money better than the federal government. I have some serious doubts about this. One of the contributing factors to the Great Depression was that a large fraction of the population was investing (unintelligently as it turned out) in the stock market. When the stock market fell, thousands of people lost their savings. Republicans seem to think that the stock market is guaranteed income. No. On average, over a long period of time, given safe and intelligent invesments you will garner a higher interest with the stock market than, say, bonds. But what if the market goes down? What if one of your investments doesn't work out? You've just lost your retirement account. And for the poor (especially for the poor) who may not have any other savings, they're screwed.

Social security is designed to be a safety net. I want my safety net to be as secure as possible. 100% chance of living, even if I break a few bones. Not, 50% chance of death, but 50% chance of walking away unscratched.

Coming in at number two, Iraq has become a breeding ground for terrorists. Surprise! Oh, you're not surprised. Yeah, can't say I am either. This comes on the heels of the news that we're stopping our search for WMDs. *sigh* Well... that turned into a mess pretty quickly. I'm too frustrated to even put words down. HOW COULD THEY NOT SEE THIS COMING? I guarantee that there are more terrorists in the middle east right now than there were before the Iraq war. Guarantee. Is it just me, or does it seem like the administration has no clue how to actually fight a war against terrorism? Its like a dog chasing its tail.

Ok. And bringing up the rear, Bush now sees that words have consequences. Wait a minute. Did he play hooky through all of grade school in addition to sleeping through high school and drinking through college? I think I learned this in third grade. Actually, I know I learned this in third grade. I mean, can he really be this stupid? Is it possible? How do you vote for this guy? Even if you're a Republican and agree with his policies, how do you vote for a MORON?

Why do people in this country denigrate intelligence and reward outright stupidity? So many people seem proud that they're ignorant. I'm so friggin' angry.


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