Thursday, January 13, 2005

Rule 1: Don't Spell

I don't listen to the radio much... in fact, I try to avoid it. But I occasionally get sick of the CDs in my car and feel the need to listen to something else. Anyway, being a rap/hip-hop fan, I find myself listening to Jam'n 94.5 (Boston's #1 station for the same five songs on infinite repeat.) It's crap. But I like to at least be up to date on the most recent songs and artists. Plus, they occasionally play Lil' John.

Recently, they've been playing a song (I don't know what it is... I'll let you know when I find out), and the chorus has the singer spelling the word kiss ("K-I-S-S me.") Isn't the songwriter pretty much admitting that s/he can't think of three more syllables? Is there a bigger cop-out than spelling in a song? I think CDs should come with the warning label "Gratuitous spelling inside. Listen at your own risk."

Also being played by Jam'n is Snoop's new song. Now, I like Snoop's older stuff, but he's gone way downhill. I've heard that song a number of times now... and I'm fairly certain there are no verses. It's just two choruses alternating. [Note: Apparently, it does have verses. News to me.]

Which brings me to my larger point. Pop music sucks. Nas could come out with an album that was 70 minutes of dogs barking, Snoop could come out with an album that was a 70-minute bong hit, P Diddy could produce an album that was a 70 minute recording of a garbage truck with a bass line and Jay-Z could produce an album that was a 70-minute conversation with a New York cab driver who can't speak English backed by a beat. And they'd ALL go multi-platinum. In fact, I think these albums may already exist.

Consumers are stupid. They don't care if the music is any good. Radio doesn't care if the music is any good. Labels push whatever artists they want to push and use name recognition. Hey, Eminem has a new album, it must be good. Snoop has a new album, it must be good. And then they use name recognition to push a new artist who's associated with an old artist. Even if the new artist has no talent (see 12, D).

I realize this is a rant, but I'm sick of the crap that becomes popular while good stuff gets no attention. So I'm offering up my services. If you want to find some new music, let me know and I'll recommend something. Unfortunately, I can only help you with Hip-Hop and Electronica, but hopefully that'll help most of you.

Another good resource is musicplasma. Enter an artist, see a diagram mapping that artist to other artists that are similar. Also, go to amazon and look-up an artist. For most CDs, amazon will provide brief samples of the songs. It also provides a "Customers who bought this title also bought:" section. It's somewhat biased towards popular stuff, but that can be worked around a little.


Blogger tazo said...

now, see, there you offereing to help people right after i mention broadening AWAY from those particular genres. way to listen to the same music, punk...

in addition, iTunes has a "people also bought" which occasionally pops up something interesting. secondly, i think the group to which you are referring is "D12", and not "12, D", but I could be wrong there, too. thirdly, I'm pretty sure that all of Snoop's albums have been essentially 70 minute bong hits.

and finally, how are you going to post on the boston music radio scene, slam hip-hop stations as all being a little light in the fusebox, and yet somehow NOT MENTION that Emerson College, WERS, kicks ass?

5:43 PM  

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