Sunday, January 23, 2005

Cleaning Out the Chamber Pot of my Mind

Hey, what do you want? I don't have indoor plumbing and outhouses are so... so... rural. Moving on.

In this poll, 49 percent of Americans think that Bush is a uniter... and 49 percent of Americans think that Bush is a divider. Now, wouldn't that by definition mean that Bush was a divider? People certainly seem to be divided on this issue. But in Bush's defense, he has united the obscenely wealthy... and the fundamentalist Christians... and the gun owners.

Then there's this article. The headline is "Lucky the Lucky Lottery Chicken Eaten by Fox." The punchline really just writes itself. I mean, I could go with the.... Lucky isn't so lucky anymore. Or I could point out that the owner used the lottery money to buy replacement windows and suggest that maybe he should've used the money on some fox repellant. Or I could just direct you to the Happy Lucky Chicken Farm or Lucky, the Smooth Fox Terrier.

Finally, Bunny Suicides. Now, I know there was a study that declared that ducks were the funniest animal. But with that site along with this one, how are rabbits not #1 right now?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course, Bush seems to have united the non-obscenely wealthy, non-fundamentalist, non-gun-owning against him (assuming the original descriptors are representative of the 49% uniting) into the 49% dividing camp. so we're united, just into two pieces. yep, that's a dish that holds water.

10:52 AM  

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