Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Cookie Monster

I saw this article the other day, but this guy has a good take on it. So maybe the girls should know better than to knock on their neighbor's door at 10:30pm. But suing them over it? C'mon... they were trying to bake you cookies.

It reminds me a bit of my home town. Residents would call the cops to report suspicious (read: non-BMW, mercedes, jag, lexus) cars driving down their street, parking at their neighbors' houses, etc. The police reports were hilarious. Check out January 16th - suspicious vehicle... suspicious noises. You'd think the FBI was trying to bug their house. Oh... wait.

In other news, posting is going to be a little light for the next few weeks. I have a new job, so I don't have quite as much time to crap around on the Internet. Also, my desktop chose this week to die on me. Personally, I think the cat has been chewing the wires. But since I haven't smelled any charred cat hair in my room - it's just conjecture at this point. My new laptop is due to arrive on the 24th though.


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